
" .......... "

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011


" Sariro anggem-anggem ...... ....... wusono tyas semunar hawengku riris Roso Janti…. bungahing wuwus ..... ....... ....... Hyang Jagad harerem…..wuyung welas asihipun  Pengeran Jati ..... duh… Pengeran atur bekti  Kawulo ...................".

( " Pain in my heart that surge...... in the sense of true light that always guides and guide every step feels serene ......... ..... true happiness ... but that is not visible felt throughout the body and every joint life of the Lord of Life ......, Word chanting his saying in the True Taste ....., and always missed with affection Akaryo Gusti The Universe / God ...... duh Gusti / O...God ........ accept worship my prostration and my devotion to you ....." ).

    " Wasono penggalih ...... ........ dian ingkang surupipun alit wonten jroning manah ketingal Tejo-werni werni ...., ......... kathah werninipun wonten abang, ijem, ungu, pethak, jambon, kuning ........, nanging werni ingkang kathah puniko dangu-dangu lebur dados werni ingkang Jati ....... inggih werni ingkang Asmo, "Kusumo "......, inggih asmanipun Dzat ........................................".

    ( " State of feeling.................. like the light from the lamp or teplok ( in javanese ) .. or ... a little candle light ....., in the liver which is already open .. .. seen a rainbow variety of colors ...., ....., there are many colors .. red, green ... and purple ... white, yellow ...., ...., pink .. .., but that many of these colors gradually melt and coalesce into COLOR IS TRUE ..... that is his name, "Kusumo "......, Essence name .... yes ....................................").

    " The meaning of the book of heart reverberated in the strains," Sabdo Hapsari / Word Beautiful ......., monggo Kito udari lumuting sukering lan lan ati ... nggayuh cahyoning urip ....". ( let's remove all dirty and liver light reaching the true life ....)

   " Madhep jroning budimu lan sungkem jroning heningmu....lan luwarono bibit-bibit  Wiji Angkoro ......". ( Facing inside your mind ... and bow down in meditation ..... and take away the seeds of anger from the passions ....)

    " Karono ngukir sifat budi hiyo sarono bekti marang panguwoso budimu ....., ...., budi kui dudu budi budinen…, dudu budi ono ing angan-angan…, nanging budi kui yoiku busono ingkang nyawiji jroning Dzat...........".

( Because creating a virtuous nature ... yes means of worship with sincere gratitude to the ruler of your mind ...., it's not budinen favor or kindness that was born at the mouth alone ...., also not in favor of wishful thinking…., but mind that the clothes that have been fused with the essence ...." ).

     This means that not a dress shirt in the sense of body armor ....., but "Sukmo True ...or  true Spirit ...", or the one with the essence ...., blend with the, " Lord of Life… " .

      " That nothing is impossible ... and not difficult to achieve unification with the essence ....., clothing sought as humans who are born in this world have to get into the stages," manunggaling / unification Sukmo true or true spirit with the Lord of Life Essence .......".

     It will not be hard to do, if someone has the determination and the willingness of large round to become, " True Person as a human being .." , like personal pleasure to demolish and against his own desires .... struggling to beat himself. ..., struggling to control anger in itself ..., striving to achieve high degrees as, " Man that virtuous character .......".

    " Sumrambah jroning Pambudi Hapsari Wasono harsi ... gumebyar ...... ..... .... byarr  padang sumilak……, Lare enem ingkang Asmo Raden Panji Haryo sampun hanggadahi titis ingkang jati... inggih titis Narendro Agung..... ..... Gung ing Manah sampun kebak Segoro Sabdo bethoro  Wisnu…., Gung ing Roso Gumelar pitutur Agung ...... ..... ., jroning reh Satrio sejati ... kebak sifat Priyayi  Agung pepunden Mataram lan Mojopahit…. Laksono bowo Gianti harsi .........., mlebet titi laksmi PURO Mojopahit .........., dados pengayom lan pepadang jagad sak keliripun .........".

    " Hung roheng Jayeng hung suji ..... har wahe setyo jiar Rake ......, Pararaton dungkap Sang Kertonegoro .. wang-wang juhu tilar jagad ...., dur sami awuwung paring mustikoning bumi Dewo-Dewi….. hiya bumi Paitmojo ... .. hiya bumi Mojolengko…., hiya bumi Negoro Kartodaha….hiya bumi Singosarhi...... ..... hiya bumi Karto Pucangdurmo….hiya bumi Selomarto….., hiya bumi Wonokerto…., hiya bumi Jenggaleh…., hiya bumi Ningruh .... .... hiya bumi Tirtoarum…., hiya bumi Awung sinuwung Balewatu ……., Jung jinunjung .... ...... Harsi Joyo ................Wisnu…. ".

     Surge and born in the shape of a real human being is born as a bead / manifestation of an earlier form or long form but similar in content .... ..., not at the situation and the conditions experienced because of differences in age and circumstances .... .

    " Pamor sumurup hawengku…. yoiku wujud Sang Hyang Wenang ingkang dados panguwoso Jagad badan wadag...., rumaos lan kraos... sejatine wujud Sang Hyang Waseso ingkang dumunung wonten jroning  Roso Jati…, Penggalih  bungah…., wujud saking Sang Hyang Ariloka ingkang dumunung wonten jroning puser....., pribadi ingkang jenjem lan sumeleh…wujud saking Sang Hyang Wasis ingkang dumunung jroning jantung .. ..., Karso ingkang nyawiji teteg lan nyawiji... wujud saking Sang Hyang Darma ......., Roso ingkang kagungan welas lan asih ... wujud saking Sang Hyang Suwito  ....., dedeg piadeg lan Rebowo jalmi wujud saking Sang Hyang Jung Antoko ...., wujud saking sirr  lan obahing roso...wujud saking Sang Hyang Budo utawi Sang Hyang Wikromo ( Sanes Sang Budha dalam persepsi Budhis tapi Sang Hyang Budo dalam konteks Jawa )......., Jagad ageng lan sak isinipun wujud saking  Sang Hyang Sri Wisnu .... hiyo Hyang Kresno ..., wujud wakil Gusti Ingkang Akaryo Jagad… Panguwoso sedoyo Kahuripan Hurip..alam lan sak isinipun ...., Pengeran jati ... Gusti ingkang Murbeng Dumadi .............. ".

" The light shinning all forms in a form that is Sang Hyang Wenang ....
who became ruler of corporeal body ... every form of creature, and felt his true feeling is a form of Sang Hyang Waseso ....
who resided and resides in true sense of human ..., feeling happy ... is a form of Sang Hyang Ariloka who resided and resides in the human navel ....

A calm and thankful person is a form of Sang Hyang Wasis who dwells in the heart .. .
 The will of a unified and strong are the manifestation of Sang Hyang Darma ....
 Who has a sense of compassion is a form of Sang Hyang Suwito ...
shape and influence the human body is a manifestation of Sang Hyang Jung Antoko ......who dwells in human skin and bones ...
 Form of sirr and motion sense is a form of Budo or Sang Hyang Hyang Wikromo ... ( not the version of Budha or budhis by culture, but in terms of Sang Hyang Budo or Budo in the meaning of java ...).
 The Universe and everything in it is a form of Sang Hyang Sri Vishnu .... yes ....Hyang Kresno… is a form of representative of God the creator of the Universe .. all life and natural life and all its contents .. ., God the Creator and Ruler of the Universe ......."

     Unity of the merging of the elements of life within the human body and soul when a man was able to learn about nature from, " IDENTITY ", as a human being ..., it will  process of merging of elements, " Sang Hyang as keeper and giver  element live on in people's lives .. ", and therefore the properties, MAN THAT TRUE ...”, namely that many of the properties have the properties of Deity ....., properties are always surrounded by elements of LIFE. .. which means that it is standing LIFE ..., live ..., protect ..., guide ..., loved and loving ... balance of all elements of life and help guide ....., ......, felt and feel to all elements of life ...., appreciate and accept all the elements of life .......

     United and fused with a Converge ..... Will .....

    Hopefully useful…..hayyu rahayu…………

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